A. You might find it easier to keep extending your travelinsurance policy, particularly if you’re going to the USA. Take out a short term policy, for perhaps three months, and extend as needed. Most insurance providers will allow you to do this for up to one year, from which time you need to take out a new policy. The advantage of this is you’re covered for medical evacuations if, touch wood, you find yourself in an emergency situation.
Some nations such as New Zealand, the UK and Ireland (but not the USA) have reciprocal health care agreements with Australia, so you’re covered while there for basic health care. These agreements don’t cover personal effects or travel outside those countries, so it may still be worth keeping your travel insurance policy.
Whatever you decide, simply don’t travel without insurance – if you can afford the airfare you can afford to be covered.Visit the Smart Traveller website for information on travel insuranceand Australia’s reciprocal health agreements: www.smartraveller.gov.au/tips/travelwell.html
– Trent Paton, TALK2US TEAM, www.lonelyplanet.com
September 10th, 2007