With a recent study revealing that millennials are far more likely to forget what day of the week it is than their elders, the bingo aficionados have decided its time the general public got some practice in!
With a choice of three glamorous backdrops, “Mind Bingo” is a fun, interactive game designed to test and train the public’s memory power by asking them to remember a series of bingo numbers.
Sounds simple, but it’s far more challenging than you might expect! In fact, the average person is expected to remember just seven numbers in a row.
To get you in the mood for Mind Bingo, here are five memory facts!
* The UK finished twelfth in last years World Memory Championships, which were hosted in Haikou, China.
* Chao Lu holds the world record for memorising Pi to the most places…67,890 of them.
* The phenomenon of walking into a room and forgetting why you were there is called “event boundary” and occurs because of the change in environment.
* Laurence Tureaud AKA “Mr T” has stated that he has photographic memory. He’s been quoted as saying “I didn’t need to study at school, most of the time I stared out the windows, just daydreaming.”
* Scientific research has shown that the human brain starts remembering things from the womb – memory begins to work 20 weeks after conception.
So, have you got what it takes to become a mental athlete?
Find out for yourself! Take a look at Mind Bingo for yourself here: http://meccabingo.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/
Brought to you by Mecca Bingo