Jason Manford has quit The One Show after revealing he had internet sex sessions with 12 women.
The married BBC1 TV host admitted sending private messages on Twitter and having video calls on Skype while in hotel rooms on tour.
Manford, 29, told how he would flirt in his messages, but “with a few it went over the line”.
“I have decided after careful consideration to stand back from The One Show to concentrate on my family,” Manford, 29. announced in a statement.
Manford had been a host on the chat show since August.
“I have only myself to blame. I have never felt so low,” Manford told The Sun. “If I was reading this about someone else, I’d think, ‘What an a***hole. How can he look at himself in the mirror?'”
Earlier this month, Manford was accused of sending sexual private messages over Twitter to Debra McNamee, 22, who allegedly sent him sexy pictures in lacy underwear.
Speaking about the latest revelations, Manford said: “It was just nice to have some interaction I suppose. But the next morning I would wake up and think, ‘F***. Oh my God’.
“I don’t drink or do drugs, so it’s not like I’ve those to blame – just my own stupidity.”
Manford’s eight-month pregnant wife Catherine is due to give birth to their third child in three weeks. They have twin one-year-old daughters and were married last year.
His wife is dealing with it, Manford said.
“I held my hands up. I showed her all the messages. I said, ‘This is what’s happened’ and she was disappointed. But the relationship we have is not about, ‘Right, get out!’ or ‘You’re on the couch’.
“I don’t feel any less of a dad but I still feel I’ve let them down. I just hope they [my children] never find out. I hope we can move on.
“My wife texted me today to say, ‘Me and you are fine. We are dealing with it’. I am upset that I have disappointed people. Everyone makes mistakes.”
Manford is an avid Twitter user with more than 200,000 fans.
The BBC is expected to have talks over the weekend to choose a replacement.
“We have got nothing to say except that we accept Jason’s decision,” the BBC said in a statement.