A press release posted on the Wikileaks website has unveiled Assange’s plans – a ten-part chatshow in which he will interview and grill an assortment of movers, thinkers and shakers influencing the way we live our lives. 

The press release says:  “Upheavals and revolutions in the Middle East have commenced an era of political change that is still unfolding. In the West, the deterioration of the rule of law has demonstrated the bankruptcy of once leading political institutions and ideologies.

“The internet has never been so strong, or so much under attack. At this pivotal moment there is an awareness of the need to radically rethink the world around us.

“This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the vision of my guests in a new style of show that examines their philosophies and struggles in a deeper and clearer way than has been done before.” 

The series will debut in mid-March and will run for ten weekly half-hour episodes. 

Assange is currently awaiting the ruling in a supreme court hearing for his appeal against  his extradition to Sweden where he is
accused of rape. Assange vehemently denies the accusations and says that the sex was consensual. 

He is also the focus of a new play Man in the Middle, running at the Theatre503 in Battersea until Feb 4. You can read out interview wiht the play’s lead Darren Weller, who plays Assange, here.