The former-comedian denies every allegation against him from his ex-girlfriend Anna Lake, and added that she used to punch herself in the stomach and accuse him of cheating on her.
Justin Lee Collins called his girlfriend a “fucking cokehead, fucking sex addict and fucking lesbian,” in an argument recorded by Lake.
Collins retaliated by claiming his former girlfriend had jealously issues and would send him relentless text messages wanting to know who he was with and what he was doing.
The former star claimed his ex has a history of harassment, and that she previously stalked a former colleague. Collins revealed his information when he was on the stand denying the harassment charges against him.
Lake has accused Collins of a series of events, which combined lead to her living in fear of violence during their 9-month-relationship.
Collins is accused of saying Lake had ‘gambled with his life’ as she had had 36 other lovers before him. Lake said Collins also shouted at her that she ‘needed therapy’ and that she should list all her former lovers on a Pukka Pad.
Collins explained that Lake would call herself a Jaffa: “She would literally punch herself in the stomach while calling herself that word and sometimes hit herself in the face.”
He continued with details of their relationship: “We were at the beginnings of a period of intimacy when she spat full on in my face and then asked me to do it back.
“She used to spit at me when she was under the influence. She was keen on doing that, it was dirty. She would gob in my face. It was very unpleasant.”
Collins explains that Lake would say: “There are things you don’t know about me, there are things you don’t know about me, there are things you don’t know about, you need to dump me, you need to dump me.
“[I was] at breaking point, absolutely at my wits’ end.
“I had been living with an alcoholic with serious issues for seven months and I really couldn’t take it any more.”
The couple moved in to a rented flat in southwest London in January 2011 and their relationship quickly turned sour.