Her June 3 gig was staunchly opposed by conservative Muslim groups, including the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), who branded the singer “satanic”.

There were claims that the show was too sexually explicit and protestors also took issue with Gaga’s provocative choreography and support for gay rights.

The FPI threatened to buy tickets and wreak havoc in the stadium. Gaga’s camp backed out on Sunday, saying it couldn’t keep the singer or her fans safe.

Salim Alatas of the FPI called it a victory for Indonesian Muslims: “Thanks to God for protecting us from a kind of devil.”

Gaga expressed her disappointment via Twitter.

“I will try to put together something special for you. My love for Indonesia has only grown. #GagaSendsLoveToJakarta and all its people.”

More than 50,000 tickets had been sold for the Jakarta event. Promoters said they would offer refund

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