As the dust settles after Thursday night’s EU election, as a nation we are collectively looking into how we arrived at this result. Early polls indicated a large incline to stay amongst Millennials, and to leave amongst those over 40, acutely those in the 60+ bracket.

In a bid to find out exactly what the millennials of London and the south-east made of last night’s result and the election process as a whole, Attestasked a cross-section of Millenials across the south east:

What advice do you have for UK politicians, now the vote is over? (in the length of a tweet) 

When looking at the results in detail a clear sentiment of hope comes through as well as some disdain for the campaign so far.

“Stop opposing each other for the sake of it and stand up for what you believe.” 

“Never leave this kind of big impact decision to the public. People don’t have all the elements to make this kind of decisions.”

“I didn’t vote even if I did wouldn’t make any difference at all they have made there mind up we’re staying why should I waste my time.” 

“The prime minister should have stayed out of the debate and reassured the public that regardless of the result Britain will be lead well.”

“Next time the public needs to be better educated on what the outcome of referendum would mean all parts of the country – unbiased.” 

Many Millennials felt the campaign had been misleading and divisive, on both sides. Scare tactics were repeatedly flagged as inappropriate and unhelpful.

“To not use the same scare tactics they did in the next election, just give facts.”

“Ask yourself why there’s loads is dispossessed poor people in the north Hint: the immigrants are not to blame.”

“Don’t put ludicrously complex questions to the British public. Do the job you were voted in to do.” 

“Stop fear campaigns and campaigns based on making people dislike each other.” 

“Hang your heads in shame for the scaremongering campaigns you’ve all run. And for repeating soundbytes [sic] instead of factual information.”

But maintained a hopeful view of the future, with constructive advice for our politicians.

Recognise the concerns of the losing side and address them in the sake of a peaceful, unified nation. 

“Whatever happens happens. Let’s deal with it whatever comes our way courageously and like we British always do – tremendously!”