It was a risky job, as tiger keepers Paul Kybett and Teague Stubbington had to separate proud parent Melati from her bundles of joy.
The cubs were then examined, but the claws were out.
“While I was so excited to see the cubs, I can’t say they were thrilled to see us – but it was actually a really good thing to see them wriggling and hissing at us, they were showing off a perfectly natural behaviour,” said Mr Kybett.
Each tiger has now been microchipped and will one day play a vital role in the world wide conservation breeding programme for Sumatran tigers.
The spotlight is now on the cub’s names as London Zoo prepares to run a competition with Channel 5’s Milkshake programme, with the winner helping to name the trio of tigers.
Image credit: Zoological Society of London/YouTube