The man, formerly called Tyler Gold, filed for a name change on the grounds that his new moniker – Tyrannosaurus Rex Joseph Gold – is much cooler.

He said: “Because the T-Rex designation is cooler. Also as an entrepreneur, name recognition is important and the new name is more recognisable”.

Judge Alan Gless asked Gold wanted a new name so he could hide from creditors or law enforcement.

Gold said no and the judge noted that he’d gone through the proper legal channels for changing his name and granted the name change.

He’s not the first person to change his name to something more unusual – artist Tracie Koziura became Rebel Wolf in 2010, saying she chose the name because she loves wolves.

And Abi Izzard, a 27-year-old charity worker, changed her name to StopFortnumAndMasonFoieGras in protest.