Michael Jackson’s doctor has pleased not guilty of involuntary manslaughter in a trial over the death of the star.

Dr Conrad Murray is accused of giving Jackson a lethal dose of anesthetic Propofol in 2009.

“Your Honour, I’m an innocent man,” Murray told Los Angeles Judge Michael Pastor when asked for his plea on Tuesday. “Therefore I plead not guilty.”

During a preliminary hearing earlier this month, the judge decided that there was enough evidence for Murray – Jackson’s personal physician – to stand trial over the singer’s death.

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Jacko’s doctor in court for manslaughter

The court heard how Murray did not have sufficient equipment to resuscitate Jackson after he went into cardiac arrest and how he asked in a panic if anyone knew CPR.

Murray allegedly failed to call an ambulance until the King of Pop was dead.

Murray has admitted injecting Michael Jackson with Propofol to help him sleep on the night he died, but had said that it was not enough to cause his death. His lawyers are expected to argue in court that Jackson injected or drank a fatal amount of the drug while the doctor was not looking.

The trial is set to begin on March 28 and Murray could face up to four years in prison if he is found guilty.