Lopburi, Thailand

The 3000-odd simians that hang around the town of Lopburi – around 90km north of Bangkok – are treated to a sumptuous feast by the locals. Set among the overgrown Khmer ruins where the monkeys most like to swing by, long tables adorned with red cloths offer up all manner of fruit, desserts, vegetarian dishes and Coca-Cola.

WHY: The masses of monkeys in Lopburi have long been a tourist attraction, so in 1988 a local hotelier started the festival as a way to say thank you. Apparently, Thais also believe that treating the animals with kindness brings good luck. Or, at least, lots of tourists taking pictures.

DO IT BECAUSE: To be fair, the pictures you’ll get at the festival will be pretty spectacular. As well as the cheeky chimps throwing food and fizzy drinks at each other, the ancient ruins in the background will make your shots all the more unique.