The man, who didn’t want to be named, was enjoying a day of fishing and drinking beers with some friends in a boat on the notoriously saltwater crocodile infested Daly River when the bet was made.

The river was swollen from recent rains and a number of large logs and parts of trees were caught in the fast flowing waters.

A witness and presumably friend of the naked rower, Billy Innes, explained to the Northern Territory News what happened next.

“Huge trees were hammering down the river,” Mr Innes said. “It was quite a sight. Someone dared him to get on to one of the logs and row across the river.”

So he did. He stripped down, jumped onto a fast moving log, floating barely above the murky, man eating crocodile infested waters of a swollen river for three whole minutes… Insanity doesn’t really cover it.

“I’d enjoyed a few beers and it seemed a good idea at the time,” said the naked rower. Mr Innes and co seemed to find the whole thing quite hilarious apparently.

All this on the same Daly River where numerous people have been eaten and/or drowned in bygone years, the most recent being a 20 year old man who was devoured by crocdiles as he tried to swim across it in 2009.

Had the man fallen in there would have been no point in croco-dialing for an ambulance because he’d have been croco… eaten. Damn, I thought I had something there.