Spider-Man has undergone an image overhaul and he is a world away from Peter Parker who died at the hands of the Green Goblin.

The crime fighter may still be slinging webs and fighting crime, but the new Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales, who has his first fight in the pages of Marvel Comics’ “Ultimate Fallout” No. 4, sports a new-look suit – and a darker skin complexion.

The comic hero out to do good in the footsteps of his predecessor is a half-black, half-Hispanic American teenager – a first for the hero’s franchise.

Writer Brian Michael Bendis, who has written every issue of Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man since it appeared in 2000 to wide acclaim, explained Morales is nothing like his predecessor.

"He's younger than Peter Parker, he's coming from a completely different background, a completely different world view," Bendis said. "It's Peter Parker's death that inspires this kid to step up."

Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso said Marvel prides itself on reflecting the real world.

"What you have is a Spider-Man for the 21st century who's reflective of our culture and diversity. We think that readers will fall in love with Miles Morales the same way they fell in love with Peter Parker."

"The theme is the same: With great power comes great responsibility," added writer Brian Michael Bendis. "He's going to learn that. Then he has to figure out what that means."

Ultimate Fallout No. 4 is out on sale tomorrow.