According to a new survey, one thing many people have been putting off is writing their will, with almost two thirds (65%) of Brits admitting that they do not have one. When questioned on why they don’t have a will, the most common answer Brits give is ‘I don’t know’ (26%).

Other reasons included:

–       “I don’t have the money” – 18%

–       “I’m not sure how to do it” – 12%

–       “I don’t need one until I am much older – 10%

–       “I don’t want one” – 8%

The survey, commissioned by online will experts Beyond, showed that – for those that do have a will in place – 24% would consider leaving money to a charity and a further 20% would consider leaving money to friends. 

The results of the survey have been visualised in the below infographic, so take a look to see how your views match up to the rest of the UK.