What: Newtown Santa Run 2008

Where: Newtown, Wales

When: December 14

What do Santa, the Guinness Book Of World Records, dressing up, and raising money for a good cause have in common?

Answer: the annual Newtown Santa Run.

Every December thousands of people gather in Newtown in eastern Wales to put on a Santa suit — and one of those itchy white beards — and then run (or maybe walk) a 7.2km course through the town.

While that sounds pretty good in itself, there is a serious side to the event — if you run you’re expected to raise at least £20 for the charity of your choice.

In 2004 the run broke the world record for the “largest Santa gathering”, with 3445 jolly red and white folk moseying through Newtown, which gives you a pretty good idea of how serious these folks take the whole Father Christmas thing.

Even the entry form says: “In keeping with the Christmas Spirit I agree to wear my Santa suit at all times.”

That said, organisers encourage you to spice up your suit — so don’t forget your bling.

See www.newtown-santa-run-2008.co.uk