Set in Northumberland’s Blagdon Estate, among manmade lakes, it’s possible to see the well-endowed lady from planes coming into Newcastle airport.
The £3million sculpture was designed by Charles Jenks, a connoisseur of the female figure. Jenks reckons it will be an iconic celebration of the human form. But the sculptor has come under fire by critics who say the whole thing is offensive to women.
“People have every right to question it, because it is art, but I promise you they will be won over to its existence. I profoundly believe that, given time, people will not find any offence in this, and will grow to love her,” said Jenks.
“I think the people of Northumberland will rather like the idea that their county and countryside is given identity like this. I don’t think there is an issue here with her sex, or her breasts or anything like that.”
Wayne Daley, from the Northumberland County Council, doesn’t see what all the fuss is about,
“Northumberlandia is just a lady, she doesn’t represent anything,” said Wayne, “but I think it’s understandable that people have their own interpretations.”
The design was crafted from rock plus waste from the Shotton surface mine near the town of Cramlington.
Princess Royal is rumoured to be attending the opening ceremony, and then Northumberlandia will open the gates to an estimated 200,000 visitors per year, who’ll be able to walk among the sculpture’s curves, bumps and footpaths.
Image: YouTube user inferno1971