Surveillance of car parks across the nation has revealed that woman may be slower at parking but they are more likely to leave their car parked in the middle of a bay. 

This new study is one of the most comprehensive of its kind and reveals some interesting things about gender differences in driving.

Men were shown by the study to be better at driving forwards in to a space and more confident overall, while women were shown to be more accurate in lining up before parking their car, more skilled at finding spaces and more likely to park their cars in the manner indicated by a driving instructor. 

Professional driving instructor Neil Beeson, who devised the experiment, said of the findings: ““In my experience men have always been the best learners and usually performed better in lessons.

“However, it’s possible that women have retained the information better. The results also appear to dispel the myth that men have better spatial awareness than women.

“It shows that us men need to give our partners more respect when it comes to parking. The facts don’t lie.”

The experiment was carried out by parking firm NCP who observed 2,500 drivers across 700 car parks in England voer the duration of one month.

For examples of some truly horrendous parking, take a look at, which shares experiences of bad parking, and is not short of a word or two for the offending motorists.

“If, like us you’re sat there saying “who the fuck leaves their car like that?” blog creator asks.

“Well, we’ve done some research. We’ve talked to top scientists, think tanks and independent research groups and we have the answer. Cunts!”

 More likely that they were men though.

Photo: Getty