On a Night Like This: The Erin Minogue Experience is an eye-opening staged biopic of an extraordinary life unled, revealing untold insight into a celebrity sister that never existed, based on an entirely untrue story.

The London premiere of the smash hit Australian comedy cabaret show is set to hit town on Friday, January 24, featuring a swag of classic Kylie and Dannii hits sung by Erin Minogue, their nearly-famous third sister.

While her sisters built careers for themselves, Erin has lived on the periphery of fame, never quite matching up.  But now – now Erin has HER chance. Will Erin be so lucky on the Australia Day weekend?

When: Friday, January 24 at 7:30pm and Saturday, January 25 at 7:30pm

Where: BL-NK, 37 East Road, N1 6AZ

Tickets cost £7.50 (with booking fee) for Early Bird buyers and £10 (with booking fee) otherwise. To book, click here. For a special 15% discount, use the code ‘TNTMAG’.

Find Erin on Facebook here.