Not only do we have to contend with the image presented overseas by the Magaluf-esque mentality of hairy guts on show (that’s just the girls), full English breakfasts, drinking shots until they’re drowning in their own vomit, and Only Fools And Horses playing in every ‘British’ bar on the strip, but now the full extent of my nation’s behaviour while out of the country has been revealed.

According to the results of a poll released last week, a jaw-droppingly shocking one fifth of Brits abroad have no idea that they should be abiding by the laws of the country they’re visiting. Seriously. And some 55 per cent of those idiots thought British laws applied to them wherever they went in the world, while 22 per cent were dumb enough to believe they were above the law as they were “just visiting” the country. I’d like to see how that defence goes down with the local police.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, 54 per cent of the 1722 people polled by visa website said their main concern when going abroad was other countries’ laws on alcohol. This goes hand-in-hand with the embarrassing results of a survey, which found 10 per cent of Brits quizzed had been arrested as a result of their drunken behaviour, while 13 per cent had got so blitzed, they’d been thrown out of their hotel.

When it comes to culture, it’s not high on the agenda of the average Pom’s holiday, according to another study by Nope, instead, it’s all about the booze. More than half the 1512 over-18s surveyed said they drink every day of a weeklong break, forking out about £300 on cheap cocktails and beers, and getting themselves into debt at the same time.

The most useful information to come out of these surveys was the destinations of choice: Barcelona and Ibiza. So just boycott Spain this year to avoid these cretins.