So you’ve done all the planning, booked your flights and accommodation, and now all that’s left to do is pack. For many, the thought of packing fills them with dread, but with our guide it doesn’t have to be. Read on for our top 10 packing hacks and you’ll be packing like a pro in no time.

Plan your outfits
The most common cause of stressful packing is, you guessed it, having too much stuff and not enough space. Planning your outfits, day by day, means you won’t even try to over pack – problem solved. 

Roll your clothes
Nobody wants to wear creased and crumpled clothes on holiday – it can ruin a whole look. Rather than folding your clothes, try rolling them up before packing to minimise creases. 

Use packing cubes
Great for saving space and organising your suitcase, it’s easy to see why packing cubes are so popular. They minimise the bulkiness of your clothing, make it easy to locate particular items and can be used to contain dirty laundry. 

Shower caps on shoes
If you don’t want dirt from your shoes all over your belongings – which we’re pretty sure you don’t – pop them into a shower cap, soles first. 

Use a travel scale
No matter where you’re going on holiday or how long your trip is, you’ll have to stick to the baggage limit. Use a travel scale to weigh your bag once you’ve packed, remembering to leave a few kilograms (or more) for souvenirs. 

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Pack an e-book reader
If you’re an avid holiday reader, it’s time you invested in a good quality e-book reader. That way you can bring along as many books as you like, and buy as many as you want while you’re away, without having to lug them around. 

Give kids a fun travel case
Travelling with children means you’re likely to have a lot of baggage. Share the load and get the kids involved with their own miniature suitcase – there are loads of fun ones to choose from!

Store small jewellery in a pill case 
Keeping track of jewellery while travelling can be a bit of a nightmare, but with this nifty hack you’ll never lose an earring or ring again. 

Wear heavy, bulky items
Although a simple hack, wearing heavy shoes or a bulky jacket means you can keep the weight of your bag down and leave room for other items. 

Store cables in empty glasses cases
Loose cables and power cords can become easily tangled, which is where empty glasses cases come in handy. Use them to store phone chargers, headphones and other cords – they’ll be easy to find and they’ll never get tangled. 

Words: James Villas. The Villa Holiday specialists are producing a number of How To Guides helping travellers make the most out of their travel this summer, for more travel information check out their website