Applying this technique to your everyday life can save you both money and time, and it’s not as difficult as you might imagine.
Plan your meals for a week in advance
If you are like me, you cook on impulse from day to day, bearing in mind the food your family likes. According to a series of sources, the best thing to do is to write a weekly menu and shop accordingly. In the long run this should save you time when it comes to preparing the meal of the day.
Decide what you’re going to do with your leftovers, too. Otherwise you will end throwing food away and wasting more than you intended to.
Plan your weekly chores
“Friday is laundry day” for most people, but the very same people that say this usually end up doing the laundry whenever they feel like it, and more often that not only when they have no clean T-shirts to wear (this is true mostly for young men living on their own). It’s much better to write a schedule for daily chores and to stick to it.
Plan your day ahead
Of course, you can’t plan for everything that might occur during the day, but there should be some points that you should stick to. Like reserving time for relaxing, working out, and other recurring activities of the week.
I, for one, have one hour reserved every morning to spend at the gym. I found that working out on an empty stomach is yields the best results. By the end of the day I like to spend at least one hour playing playing games at the Euro Palace
It is can be relaxing and lucrative, but most important of all a great way to end the day. I like to browse through their specials, and find the latest games Euro Palace has to offer later in the day, when I don’t have to focus on anything else.
Plan your daily trips
Plan all of the things that you have to do out of the house and do them in one trip. Instead of taking several trips to pay the bills, visit the bank, drop off the dry cleaning and pick up the kids from school, schedule them all to be part of one trip to solve them all.
Applying this technique to your everyday life can save you both money and time, and it’s not as difficult as you might imagine.
Plan your meals for a week in advance
If you are like me, you cook on impulse from day to day, bearing in mind the food your family likes. According to a series of sources, the best thing to do is to write a weekly menu and shop accordingly. In the long run this should save you time when it comes to preparing the meal of the day.
Decide what you’re going to do with your leftovers, too. Otherwise you will end throwing food away and wasting more than you intended to.
Plan your weekly chores
“Friday is laundry day” for most people, but the very same people that say this usually end up doing the laundry whenever they feel like it, and more often that not only when they have no clean T-shirts to wear (this is true mostly for young men living on their own). It’s much better to write a schedule for daily chores and to stick to it.
Plan your day ahead
Of course, you can’t plan for everything that might occur during the day, but there should be some points that you should stick to. Like reserving time for relaxing, working out, and other recurring activities of the week.
I, for one, have one hour reserved every morning to spend at the gym. I found that working out on an empty stomach is yields the best results. By the end of the day I like to spend at least one hour playing playing games at the Euro Palace
It is can be relaxing and lucrative, but most important of all a great way to end the day. I like to browse through their specials, and find the latest games Euro Palace has to offer later in the day, when I don’t have to focus on anything else.
Plan your daily trips
Plan all of the things that you have to do out of the house and do them in one trip. Instead of taking several trips to pay the bills, visit the bank, drop off the dry cleaning and pick up the kids from school, schedule them all to be part of one trip to solve them all.