Norse mythology suggests that the Viking armageddon, Ragnarok, is almost here.

Legend has it that Norse gods such as Thor and Loki will engage in a mighty battle, and after the fighting’s done, the earth will split open and an array of inhabitants from the underworld will flood out, which should be fun.

Things are predicted to get pretty sticky, as the Earth is predicted to fall into the sea, and life as we know it will cease to exist.

However, don’t worry too much – there’s still a small chance you could survive, as two human survivors will be in charge of repopulating the new, fertile planet.

If you’re in York over the weekend, we recommend getting yourself down to the Jorvik Viking Festival to celebrate the coming of this new era. It’s on until February 23 (could be a bit of a bummer if tomorrow truly is the end) and, according to The Independent, visitors will be given tools to survive the apocalypse, ‘from hunting for the mightiest and strongest warriors to training children in combat skills’. Yikes!

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