The site, which doesn’t require a login to watch lewd clips, was breached after a third party chat service “failed to take the appropriate precautions in securing its user data”.

Kate Miller, a spokeswoman for YouPorn’s parent company, Manwin Holding SARL, said the compromised server had been shut down and users notified about the security breach.

However a plain text list of users’ emails and passwords is already circulating online, as is word cloud of the site’s most popular passwords.

YouPorn is one of the top 100 most visited sites in the world, and requires users to login in order to comment on the porn they’re watching, a process that we’ve never really understood.

Here are a random sample of YouPorn comments:

“I f***ing love her boobs.”



Do these add to the erotic experience? Do men find it more erotic when they’re reminded that the porn they’re, ahem, “utilising,” is being “utilised” by hundreds of other blokes at the same time?

Sorry, going to have to step outside for some air.

Image via YouPorn