The Royal rogue, who will never make it to the throne, has been deemed protectorate of the nation by a survey carried out by GAME Retail Ltd to mark the release of Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Stripping and drinking aside, respondents ranked his bravery and strength second to none when it comes to surviving a war zone. Looks like those naked pictures did the Prince some favours. We’ve all seen them – and the nation has spoken. We liked what we saw. His training at Sandhurst Military Academy may have helped the case, but we have a sneaking suspicion it’s all in that six-pack.
Following Prince Harry on the list is Britian’s 1stfemale Olympic boxing champion, Nicole Adams. And coming in a close third is Heptathlon gold-medal winner Jessica Ennis. Bear Grylls also made the list, but was beaten out by the two female athletes, offering a considerable blow to his ego. Hats off to Harry. He may never be King, but he’s always hero in our hearts.
Image: Getty