Ben Zygier’s death, an apparent suicide, remains something of a mystery. Last month, Israel admitted that it had secretly imprisoned Zygier on serious but unspecified charges reports The Guardian.

A father of two, Zygier was originally from Melbourne but lived in Israel for a decade. He was believed to have worked for Israel’s external intelligence agency, the Mossad.

Carr, said: “Open sourced material … would suggest he [Zygier] worked for the intelligence arm of the Israeli government. I cannot confirm or deny those reports, but you can draw your own conclusions.”

He added: “If it transpires that Australian passports were used for security or intelligence gathering by Israel in this case; it is something against which we take the strongest opposition. No country can allow the integrity of its passport system to be compromised.”

He did not confirm speculation that Zygier’s passports had been used in the 2010 murder of Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai, an operation in which a team of killers, believed to be Mossad agents, used stolen Australian and British identities.

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