Several parents expressed their disgust at the “vile” ladies’ night, organised the parents’ association of Clavering Primary School in Essex.

More than 100 women were given performances by All the Way Jay and Tommy Love from the dance group Dream Men.

Two mothers said they are pulling their children out of the school amid the furore.

A mother-of-five, who asked not to be named, said the event was a “disgrace”.

The 32-year-old former bar manger said: “It is absolutely awful.

“I could not believe they used a male stripper night to raise money for a primary school. The parents who organised it are sordid disgusting people.

“We try to teach our children about healthy eating but what about morals? I don’t want my children using computers funded by such a disgusting event.

“I am pulling my five-year-old and seven-year-old-boys out of the school and my friend is doing the same with her children.

“I am not a prude I have worked in bars all my life but you can’t have these events associated with out children’s education.

“I have told the school and the headteatcher my feelings but they have not responded so I am taking my children out.

“I don’t think anything has ever made me quite so angry I don’t want people associating my children with the stripper school.”

During the show, in which a gyrating All the Way Jay covered his body in glow in the dark paint, one young mother was dragged up on stage before a stripper waved his genitals in her face.

The angry mother said one of the parents drove home while drunk after the event, and caused a crash.

“A mother who was plastered was driving home and crashed into another woman – and she then fled the scene.

“This behaviour stems from events like this – it is really not the sort of thing we should be teaching our children.

“I don’t know what the woman’s husband have said they must have been shocked as the ladies tried to imply it was just a handbag night at first.

“Ironically the woman from the organising committee who booked the strippers was not even allowed to attend the show because her husband disapproved.”

A spokesman from Dream Men said the women enjoyed the night.

He said: “When you see the words male stripper it can sound seedy but we offer something for everyone including comedy, music and dancing.

“The ladies seemed to really enjoy it and they raised a lot of money.”

In total £1,560 was raised from the event.

A spokeswoman for Friends of Clavering said there was “no involvement” from the school in the event.

She said: “The friends of Clavering’s only aim is to raise much needed funds for the school and is saddened to hear this event may have caused offence.”