The royal bloomers, which have not been officially authenticated but are embroidered with the letter ‘E’ and a crown, were on sale on eBay.

The somewhat dubious back story to the undergarments comes courtesy of the late Baron Joseph ‘Sepy’ de Bicske Dobronyi, whose estate reckons a pilot friend of the baron’s found them on a plane that Queen Elizabeth II had taken to Chile in 1968.

However, the eBay listing warned: “Since Buckingham Palace or the garment maker have not [confirmed or denied] the authenticity that this pair of underpants are from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, the estate cannot confirm its provenance and it is the buyer’s responsibility to do that on their own before bidding.”

Although the bidder is yet to be identified, obviously they thought it was worth taking an £11,000 punt on the off chance they would get to own Her Majesty’s pants.


Picture: Getty

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