Ginger McCain, who trained Grand National winner Red Rum, has died aged 80, after a lifetime of riding horses.
McCain won four Grand National titles, an achievement only held by one other trainer.
During the 70s, his champion horse, Red Rum, won the Grand National three times and claimed second place twice.
Ginger McCain earned the nickname 'Mister Aintree' for his run of wins.
McCain started riding racehorses at the age of 14, but left school to become a taxi driver. In his spare time he ran a small stable and used the beaches of Southport to train his horses.
When he was 35, McCain had his first Grand National win with a horse called San Lorenzo.
His big turning point, however, came when he spotted Red Rum, the horse who went on to make McCain a legend.
In 2006, McCain retired, passing his legacy on to son Donald who won the National with Ballabriggs this year.