In exercising his rights as a smoothie-shop owner, George Burnett has decided to add a tax that is quite liberal.
Burnett donates the extra dollar to conservative causes, including The Heritage Foundation, which is a right-leaning think-tank in Washington D.C.
So far, his contribution has been small. Burnett told KSL-TV in Salt Lake City that “all three liberals have been happy to pay it”.
“We had a husband and wife come in, he was conservative and she was liberal, and he paid conservative for himself and liberal for her,” Burnett said to the station.
Burnett is a vocal pro-oil and gas activist, as also shown by the name of his shop. He told KSL that he was upfront about the fee and that his intention is to start conversations about the energy industry and financial problems facing the US.
“We have a fiscal problem in this country.
“We’ve got to deal with it or we don’t have a country, so to kind of help make that point, I charge (liberals) just a little bit more,” he told KSL.
Although the shop’s Facebook page shows much criticism from unhappy smoothie-lovers, Burnett doesn’t seem too upset. He posted a news story about the controversy on the shop’s website.
Image via Facebook