The team at polled 2,478 Brits aged 18+, all of whom stated that they had travelled abroad at least once in the past year, to determine how they prepare for meeting and engaging with local residents.

The initial question of ‘Do you research a holiday destination before leaving the UK?’ showed 66% said ‘yes, I do’ – the top search being ‘the weather’ at 31%, ‘nearby attractions’ at 25% and ‘eating & drinking’ out at 22%. 

All respondents were then asked, ‘Have you ever attempted to learn a new language, or key words and phrases, before travelling abroad to a non-English speaking country?’ to which 82% confessed that ‘no’ they haven’t. When asked why not, relevant respondents cited ‘most countries speak English anyway’ (42%) and ‘I’ve got translation apps on my phone if I really need them’ (37%).

And so the good folk at have come up with this simple infographic covering ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ in 39 different languages…it’s a start!

%TNT Magazine% Jetcost Infographic HelloAndGoodbyeIn39Languages
