In this series of clips, Berlusconi rather outrageously pretends to have sex with a traffic warden placing a ticket on a car windscreen.
In the next section, he is seen excavating his nose for hidden treasures. After checking he’s not being observed, he then eats the bogey washed down with that classic Italian beverage, the expresso coffee. Bellissimo!
In the last clip, he accidentally pulls off part of a podium at a press conference with the then-US president George Bush Jr.
Following one of the worst natural disasters in recent Italian history, Berlusconi visited temporary camps for survivors of the L’Aquila earthquake and rather insensitively refered to their plight as “like a weekend of camping”.
ITN runs through some of the more political slip-ups on the world stage in recent times, including Berlusconi suggesting that German politician Martin Schulz should play the part of a Nazi concentration camp commandant in a film, and referring to US president Barack Obama as ‘tanned’…