Simon Cowell has just signed a monstrous £100 million deal with ITV to keep X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent with the broadcaster till 2013.
On top of that, Cowell will get another £20 million for making personal appearances on the show, plus the profits of any spin-offs and iTunes downloads, The Sun reports. 
 “I’m thrilled to conclude this deal with ITV to enable our relationship to continue and develop. I’m committed to making sure both shows get bigger and better every year,” Cowell said last night.
And if there’s one thing the man knows, it’s how to do money-making television. The programmes have had massive successes since they first aired on TV, with both shows getting close to 20 million viewers in last year’s finals. 
However it seems even the pop mogul has had enough of the silliness of some of the acts, and under the new agreement Cowell will no longer attend the Britain’s Got Talent auditions, only joining in at the semi-final stages.
Cowell will also stay on as a judge for American X Factor, which will be running alongside the British version next year, and is likely to force the music giant to cross the Atlantic on a weekly basis to not miss any of the live shows.