That’s the verdict of a new survey which found that 89 per cent of people whose partners snore lose an average 90 minutes’ sleep per night as a result. That’s almost one full night a week, folks.

The study – commissioned by nasal spray manufacturer Asonor – also discovered that more than half (54 per cent) of victims find the endless grunting cacophony irritating, and 47 per cent reckon they argue about their partner’s snoring at least once a week.

A quarter of put-upon partners have decamped to a different bed or room to escape the stertorous snorting and grab some much-needed shut-eye, while for 19 per cent it’s such a snore point that they’ve contemplated ending the relationship altogether.

And more than one couple in 10 state that the nocturnal noise-making has had an adverse impact on their love-making – because they’re either too tired for sex or simply find their snoring partner a total turn-off!

And it’s not just blokes who snore. In fact, Asonor – which claims their spray helps three-quarters of snorers – found that more men (9.8 per cent) find snoring more unattractive than women (3.7 per cent). But everyone’s got their little kinks, and 14 per cent of male participants admit that they find their partner’s snoring to be comforting.

More women than men take direct action to snort it out, with 10 per cent of those asked admitting to pushing their snoring partner off the bed, compared with only 3.7 per cent of men. A whopping 54.1 per cent of partners give the snorer a dig in the ribs – the most common preventative tactic.