In case you aren’t aware of it, NekNomination is a game in which a person is filmed downing their drink in one go, before nominating others to do the same on camera. It originated in Australia and has quickly spread around the world.

Brent Lindeque, a young South African, decided to do something a bit different when he was nominated.

In a video he posted on Youtube titled ‘A South African NekNomination’, Brent is filmed driving and talking to the camera, thanking his friend for nominating him.

“As you know this NekNomination thing is going around,” he says. “It originated from Australia and I’m going to show you how South Africans do it better… keep watching”.

As several facts about poverty in South Africa appear on the screen, Brent pulls up and hands an what appears to be a homeless man a sandwich, a chocolate bar and a bottle of Coke.

He then nominates two of his friends to do the same.

“You have 24 hours,” he says.

Brent’s video has had nearly 250,000 views.

You are our hero, Sir. Good work.

Image via Youtube