Vodka, vodka, and more vodka. Make sure you try a drop of the stuff while you’re in St Petersburg, and fill up on rich and heavy-laden dishes.
It’s quite stodgy, hearty food that you’ll be putting away while you’re in St Petersburg.
Traditional dishes include beef stroganoff and beetroot soup and lots of potato dishes. The restaurants that are dotted along Nevsky Prospekt are mainly fast-food options; so try ducking down some of the back streets to sample some of the more authentic cuisine.
It’s impossible to travel to St Petersburg and not tuck into a few tidy shots of vodka while you’re there.
Be warned it’s usually served as a shot, and asking for a soft drink or juice to dilute it will raise the eyebrows of bar tenders around the central area of St Petersburg.
Make sure you don’t drink the water from the tap while you are in St Petersburg, stick to the bottled variety.