Liverpool’s Charlie Adam was made to look like he had the hots for Real Madrid player Cristiano Ronaldo, in a tweet that read: “I am a p***y. Love you cristiano’
An equally imaginative tweet read simply :“I wanna f*** Cristiano.”
Ronaldo was quick to delete the offending posts and inform his Twitter followers that it was a hack job,: “Apologies for the rubbish posted on my account last night. Account was hacked.”
Manchester City’s Argentinian ace Sergio Aguero, 24, was another of the hacker’s targets, and also rushed to remove the fake tweets and apologise to fans.
‘Someone hacked the accounts of many players and posted a lot of garbage. It’s undesirable for this to happen, but it did.’
Clearly riled, he went on to add “It’s a shame there are people who waste their time like this.”
The computer hacker, who calls himself Padorowsky, invited Twitter users to vote for other players for him to hack.
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