Been blessed with the gift of the gab? If so, you’re a perfect candidate for a job in[marketing and promotions]. Joanna Tilley explores what’s out there in promo land.
It’s often quite difficult (bloody difficult) to find a sociable, fun job where you can also make some money. But a job in the[marketing and promotions] sector could just about help you achieve this goal.
What’s more, if you’re any good at it, the long-term prospects are great.
But are there any[jobs available]? Bec Wagener, of Travellers at Work, says yes.
“Industries are turning more and more to[travellers] to help fill their staff shortages. The marketing sector is definitely one of these sectors.”
Whilst experience and a degree will ease the route to a leadership role, there’s still plenty on offer to those without any qualifications, as most companies provide on-the-job training.
There’s also a big variety of roles to choose from. However,[sales jobs] are often the most accessible for travellers.
So how much money are we talking?
“You may be paid on a commission-only structure or hourly. Hourly rates usually start from $17 per hour,” says Wagener.
But if the cash isn’t tempting enough, one hefty bonus is that many of the door-to-door sales jobs often include team road trips around the state, even the country.
However, if you don’t like the sound of living off commission, then[promotions] might be more your bag.
Handing out anything from chocolate to shaving products could easily earn you $24 per hour. And with a million and one agencies touting work, it’s generally not too tricky finding shifts, although the hours can be fairly unreliable.
And one last thing. Save the bullshitting until you’re on the job.
“Honesty is definitely a key factor I look at when talking with candidates,” says Wagener.
“People that are up front and honest get a big tick from me.”[Search live jobs now]