It isn’t really love that makes the world go ’round ya know? It’s money. And buying and selling is a big part of making money.

Even with the economy slowing, sales jobs are still available for the strapped-for-cash traveller.

Whether it’s door-to-door sales, telesales or street selling, there are a lot of opportunities to get employed and make some money.

Both the beauty and the horror of most sales jobs is that how much you earn will usually depend entirely on how much effort you are willing to put in.

Jenny Merritt from Grunt Labour told TNT there are many sales jobs available throughout Australia. “Normally qualifications and experience are not needed for sales jobs,” Jenny said.

Rates of pay depend on the job – many positions are 100 per cent commission based. Most employers usually offer intensive training that allows the salesperson to learn about the product and pick up some useful techniques for selling.

Often workers have a good support network and employers will help salespeople by offering good leads and training. However, this job is not for the shy and retiring and having the gift of the gab is a definite bonus.