The first appearence of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles drawn by their creator Kevin Eastman that went on to become a global franchise worth millions, spawning a TV cartoon and a series of films, comic books and toys.

The comic goes to auction next month in Dallas, Texas and is predicted to raise at least £40,000 ($64,000). “I used to keep the drawing in a bank vault but it has just been in a box under my bed for the last 10 years,’ said Eastman.

“I am about to get involved with the Turtles again with Nickelodeon and this is just about letting go of part of my past.”

%TNT Magazine% kevin eastman
Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman (Getty images)

The Turtles legend looks set to return stronger than ever with the new cartoon series from Nickelodeon as well as a multi-million dollar ‘re-imagining’ of the Turtles as alien visitors directed by action movie director Michael Bay.

The concept for the new movie has caused outrage online from some hard-shelled Turtles fans.