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Music can be with us, an emotional guide through life, if we want it to be. If you are in any doubt about the power of music to change your life then read on.
Throughout history, the interconnection between music and societal growth and success is well known. Every culture and tribe on earth has music. Though early music was, of course, not recorded, it was passed down from generation to generation, and there is evidence of music from prehistoric times in the form of flutes made from carved bones.
In modern history, the influence and power of music has been running through the fibres of life. According to folklore, Thomas Jefferson was writing the declaration of independence and could not get a grip on the language to use. He played his violin to relax and get his words flowing onto the paper. The rest, as they say, is history!
Albert Einstein, recognised as one of the smartest men on earth was also a violin player. He loved Mozart and Bach, and he relieved stress by playing the violin. To understand just how important music was to Albert let’s take a look at a quote from the great man:
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
Interesting indeed!
The power of music to change ones mood is undeniable. We all know that just listening to music when feeling depressed can lift our spirits, but it is also scientifically proven that certain tones can actually relieve stress. Just as yoga and meditation can alter brainwave patterns, so can music.
Music can lull people into the ‘Alpha state’; a state of deep relaxation where the listener can be stress-free and more open to performance. Music will not only help you relax, but it may bring you to that crucial “A-Ha’ moment. It can make you cleverer. It can make you more solution focused. It can help you transform your life by transforming your patterns of thought.
The body and music
Music influences the body. These effects are both instant and long-lasting, as music is often characterised in the arts as a key link between emotional, spiritual and physical elements of the universe.
Not everyone’s experience of music is the same. A good point to highlight this is that early missionaries to Africa thought that the natives had bad rhythm, but, in fact, the beats that they played on their drums were complex polyrhythmic beats that were too advanced for the missionaries to grasp.
Physiological responses to music are clear and measureble though. We see muscles relax.We see heart beat rate changes.
The power of music on learning
Mozart’s music has been found to activate the right and left brain regions. This brain action maximises learning and information retention. When learning the information studied activates the left side of the brain, while the music being listened to activates the right side of the brain more powerfully. With both sides of the brain engaged simultaneously the brain can process information faster.
Learning potential can be increased up to five times by listening to 60 beat per minute music. Simply using music while learning does not guarantee recall but it can make it easier.
Effects of music
Special pieces of music have been found to have different effects, and this is not only on humans. Hens lay more eggs when they listen to the Blue Danube, and, apparently, wheat has been found to grow faster when exposed to ultrasonic music sounds.
Music has undeniably great power and as Napoleon said, “Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws.”
Our mission is to change lives through music. Embrace music as a positive force in your life and you can achieve amazing things.