Billed as one of the finest working stables in existence, the Royal Mews is home to the horses and carriages used by the Queen and other Royals.

Fine it might be, but there’s no escaping that fusty stable smell of rotten apples and manure.

But don’t let that put you off.

As well as working horses that pull any carriage the Queen needs to ride in, there are some lavish cars used by the Royals, horsey stuff such as the State Harness, and uniforms worn by staff on special occasions.

The highlight is the Gold State Coach. It’s got more bling than a gangsta rapper, drawn by eight horses, dates from 1762 and was used for the Queen’s coronation.


» Buckingham Palace Rd, SW1A 1AA Green Park ( Open until Oct 31. £7.50

Verdict: Giddy up