In the carefully orchestrated publicity stunt for his new film, Baron Cohen arrived at the red carpet dressed as The Dictator, carrying a gold urn with the late North Korean leader’s face on it.
The ceremony, which took place in Hollywood last night, saw Baron Cohen accompanied by two female “bodyguards”.
Before emptying the “ashes” over the red carpet and Seacrest, he told the red-carpet reporter that Jong-il’s dying wish was “to be sprinkled over the red carpet and over Halle Berry’s chest”.
He then said: “If someone asks what you are wearing, tell them Kim Jong-il!”
Seacrest told the camera: “Anything can happen and it most certainly did, all over my lapel!”
Vacuum cleaners were quickly taken out onto the red carpet and the “ashes” were swept into a bin.
Baron Cohen was asked to leave but was allowed to pose for photographs before making a leisurely exit.
Moneyball actor, Jonah Hill, said: “I guess the Oscars isn’t the best place to sell your movie. I think he’s a funny guy, though.”
Baron Cohen, who is known for his outrageous publicity stunts, has been up against the Academy all week after they revoked his tickets to try and stop him from causing a scene at the awards.