The 52-year-old former frontman of The Smiths also announced to the crowd in Buenos Aires on Sunday that “We all know that the Malvinas [Falklands] are Argentina’s.”

The provocative T-shirts featured a photo of the royal couple on their wedding day, with the ‘We hate William and Kate’ slogan surrounding the shot in block capital letters.

%TNT Magazine% william and kate

Morrissey also told the crowd from the stage: “The [British] government, the governments, never listen to the people, to their pain.”

The singer-whinger asked his fans not to “blame” the British people over the Falklands “because it is the government that decides”.

%TNT Magazine% morrissey in chile

Tensions have been high in Argentina since Prince William was posted to the Falklands for a six-week RAF flight training operation last month.

The 30th anniversary of the start of the Falklands War is on April 2.

Morrissey is the latest in a long line of celebrities who fancy themselves international diplomats to have spoken out on the Falklands issue.

Sean Penn caused controversy by accusing Britain of “archaic” colonialism during a meeting in Buenos Aires.

And Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters told Chilean TV last week that the Falklands “should be Argentine”.

The British government has said that the islands will remain a British territory as long as a majority of the 3000 islanders want them to be.

Pictures: Morrissey performing in Chile’s 53nd Vina del Mar International Song Festival, 24th Feb 2012 (Getty images)