Patricia Houston was asked if she thought drugs would end up “taking” Whitney. She replied that the “handwriting was kind of on the wall”.

She added that she would be “kidding herself” to say she hadn’t thought that Whitney’s lifestyle would end her life.

But she added: “It wasn’t about substance abuse or anything like that relative to the … latter days or anything like that.

“It was just more of a lifestyle. I was afraid for other things. I saw her chasing a dream, you know, looking for love in all the wrong places.”

Houston’s 19-year-old daughter Bobi Kristina was also interviewed for the episode of Oprah’s Next Chapter, about how she wants her mother to be remembered.

Houston’s brother Gary will also appear on the show.

The 48-year-old singer was found dead in her bathroom at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, hours before she was due to attend a celebrity party downstairs.

Investigators found several bottles of prescription drugs in her suite.

The six-time Grammy winner had a long history of drug and alcohol abuse.