
Adelaide’s legendary snack is a pie floater – a meat pie swimming in pea soup, topped with a dollop of ketchup. Pick one up from a pie cart to line your stomach on a night out.

For more conventional fare head to Central Market to pick up fresh organic produce.

Claiming more restaurants per head than any other Australian city, Adelaide has food to cater for every taste and whim. Rundle Street, Gouger Street and Hindley Street are good places to start for food choices in town, while Glenelg’s Jetty Road is lined with decent restaurants and cafés.

Haigh’s Chocolates on Parkside is widely regarded as Australia’s finest purveyor.


With all those wineries on hand it’s no surprise Adelaidians appreciate a nice drop. Restaurants in town will focus on pairing wines with your food, making meals out a particularly enjoyable experience.
Adelaide’s bar scene is lively and vibrant, with music to suit every taste from rock to jazz. Local brew Coopers is a popular beer, and one of Australia’s best.


Due to its location between desert and surf, water supply is a perennial problem in Adelaide. That said, there’s plenty in the taps, and it’s perfectly safe to drink.