Ms Lee turned up to her local doctor complaining of irritation ear and was horrified to find the cheeky arachnid living in hear ear canal.
It was believed to have been there for five days.
Doctors at Changsha Central Hospital in Hunan initially planned to use extracting equipment due to concerns the barbs on its legs would dig into her skin.
They eventually used a saline solution to wash the spider out.
Ms Lee was reportedly so relieved to be rid of the spider that she almost cried.
University of Florida entomology professor Philip Koehler told the Huffington Post insects crawling into human ear canals was anything but an urban myth and they occasionally did so when they were seeking shelter.
“The insects are probably entering the canal as harborage, for heat, and/or for moisture,” he said.
In 2011, a Colorado boy was taken to the emergency room after a moth flew into his ear while he was drifting off to sleep.
Doctors initially tried to use water to remove the moth, but eventually had to extract the bug with a tool. It came out alive.
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