What’s the show about?

The varying cultural perspectives from diff…, nah, not really. Tricked you. It is actually about pounding back curry and drink and laughing like a drain. 

Who inspired you to pick up a mic and take to the stage?

Johnny Rotten, nee Lydon. My original stand-up technique consisted of menacing stares into space after each punchline. Now I smile instead, though, as too many people got distracted trying to find what I was looking at.

What is the funniest thing you have ever seen?

Maybe the time a seagull dropped a tennis ball-sized poo on my forehead and I didn’t know so I thought the slow explosion of warmth at the front of my brain was me having a stroke. Oh how I screamed and panicked at the time, then laughed about it later, while still shaking.

What’s your favourite joke?


Scrumptious Comedy and Curry  
The Gallery Cafe, E2 9PL. July 31. £10 (inc curry)  
Tube | Bethnal Green  