How did you get your job as a dive instructor?

I started working on dive boats up in Cairns and realised that diving for a living is an experience that you shouldn’t miss out on. So I applied for a job in an area where diving never gets boring and after a few days getting to know the Pro Dive way of teaching I wanted to stay here in Sydney.

And what does the job involve?
Working in the diving industry offers a great range of job varieties, but you would generally work either in a dive center and/or on a dive boat and either job is very customer orientated. I work for Pro Dive Coogee and my job there involves work in retail, bookings, teaching and of course, giving the customer the best time possible.

What costs are involved in becoming qualified?
Your first course will be the “Open Water Scuba Diver” which is the learn to dive course in which you learn the basics of breathing beneath the ocean. Depending on the company you will get “all inclusive prices” where you don’t have to pay for certification, transport, gear or pool hire, but there are other companies that charge a very low price and put all these hidden costs on top. A good idea would be to call the Dive Center beforehand and ask about the course.

Can you get employed as an Dive Professional easily?
Like in every job, if you are hard working and you love what you are doing then you will find a job easily. If you’re there at the right time and show a good attitude you will find jobs all over the world.

Memorable moments at your new job?
Memorable people and moments almost every day. Because you are interacting with so many different cultures and different parts of the ocean you meet friends for life – in and out of the ocean.

And are there any bad points?
I have to teach people from TNT! But seriously, often the job is hard work and physically enduring. But introducing new divers to the submerged world and seeing them breathe underwater for the first time is very rewarding.

How’s the pay?
Depends on where you work. In general the more qualified you are as a diver and the more experience you have, the better you will get paid. In the end, our hobby is our job and our office is the ocean. You won’t make millions, but we love what we are doing.

What courses did you take to become qualified?
You have to do all the courses from Open Water to Divemaster to be able to work as a diver and then further to Open Water Scuba Instructor if you want to teach people.

Is there potential for sponsorship?
Yes, but it’s not very easy. If you can show that you have skills that are essential for the company (language skills, ability to fix or drive boats), it will be easier.

Is there potential for travel in the job?
The job is basically your way of seeing the world. Divers are people who want to explore, and so most of us travel the world, work in different places, and when the “wanderlust” takes you, you can always find work in other exciting locations and exotic places and meet new awesome people.

To find out more about becoming a divemaster or to simply get qualified as a diver, head to