‘Ross’ and his boss – not only does ‘Ross’ text his new boss saying he won’t make training in the morning as he’s on for a threesome, he calls his boss a ‘top shagger’ and isn’t immediately sacked! Kudos all round!
So, ‘Ross’ was supposed to be doing his first shift – a training session at bar Filthy’s in Newcastle upon Tyne BUT ‘Ross’ went out the night before to nightclub Digital and managed to score with not 1 but 2 girls who, he was lucky enough to take back to his halls of residence for the night, but ‘Ross’ has a training session in the morning for his new job. What does ‘Ross’ do – he sends his boss a text and I quote ‘Yo al.. Ino it’s the first shift Tmro but I’ve back in halls with two birds from digi & won’t make it in for training at 10. You look like a top shagger yorself mate so I hope you understand the situation. If not then thanks for the chance but a mans got to do what a mans got to do. Ross x.’ I love the fact he calls his NEW boss a ‘top shagger’ – fair dos to the boss at Filthy’s too – he didn’t sack Ross’ arse on the spot – no – he let the world of facebook decide on Ross’ fate asking people to vote on 3 options – 1 – Sack him! 2 – Let his mum know what he’s been up to and 3 – Lunch and an essay on why you shouldn’t call your boss a top shagger – love it!
14cm Dover Sole jumps down anglers throat causing his heart to stop
It could be called revenge of the fish and nearly cost Sam Quillam his life. Sam was fishing with mates on Boscombe Pier in Dorset and having caught a small Dover Sole, whilst preparing to throw the fish back in, Sam was re-creating an angling tradition by attempting to ‘kiss the fish’ – said fish had different ideas and jumped out of Quillams hands, into his mouth and swam down his throat. “It was literally a split second it had happened and I was completely choked out.”Paramedics arrived in minutes and were able to get his heart beating again which had stopped despite attempts at CPR by friends. In the end they had to use forceps to dislodge the tail and drag the fish back out thus saving his life.
Dutch couple who take their wedding photos that little bit further…
Traditionally, wedding photos comprise of the happy couple along with various members of their family and friends looking delighted at their coming together. However, a Dutch couple have taken things a little further and requested photographer Michel Klooster take a few naughty photos including a pose involving him on top of her in a pickup truck and her kneeling down in front of him with his trousers down (which was apparently was suggested by the bride’s mother!) Having shared on facebook, the photos have (of course) gone viral and Klooster is receiving requests for similar shoots. You’ve got to love the Dutch!
See photos here:
Austrian authorities for arresting shark mascot under so called ‘burka ban’ law
The mascot was just doing his job: dancing outside the McShark computer shop in Vienna, when the arrest was made. Several European countries have instigated the so-called Burka Ban which prohibits the wearing of full face coverings – officially called the Anti-Mask Act, the ‘shark’ had been asked to remove the sharks head but had refused, citing he was just doing his job not realising he would be in line for a 150Euro fine! Eugen Prosquill, head the advertising agency responsible for the stunt said “It would be a pity if there were no mascots left” – too true Eugen, too true.
Kristi Loyall – not only has she survived cancer but she has taken her amputated foot on many adventures and shared it with the world
Kristi had her foot amputated after contracting epitheliod sarcoma back in 2016, so what did she do – she asked hospital staff for the foot and had it professionally cleaned and transformed. She also set up an Insta account for said foot called ‘One Foot Wander’ containing brilliant pictures of the foot on all sorts of adventures. The account has reached over 4,800 followers so far and is helping to highlight her GoFundMe page. Cancer took her foot but it will not take her sense of humour!