Stefano Cottini 29, from Italy

So what’s your new job like? And what do you do? I’m an Architect working for a big Australian firm. The company is set up in a very interesting way, with different departments for design (this is the team I’m in at the moment), project management, documentation, marketing and so on. At the moment I’m involved in the design of two huge developments and gaining a lot of experience on large-scale retail/mixed use developments.

What job did you have back home? Well, work wise it’s quite difficult to define what home is for me, since I spent the last three years in Dublin, Ireland, and that’s where I really had my formation as an architect. In comparison to that experience I’m involved on much bigger scale projects, since the office I worked for in Ireland was more focused on small-scale residential buildings.

How did you land your new job? That was really thanks to Kate and The Nascent Group. I put myself in their hands and they organized everything from interviews arrangement to contract administration.

Was it hard finding a job in this sector? Not really from my point of view. I had a few interviews straight away and received job offers from almost all of the companies.

What are the good points about your new job? Apart from what I already said about the extremely valuable experience I’m gaining, they organize a lot of activities that help to socialize and to create that bond that is very important when it comes to working together in a team.

Are there any bad points? Well, to prove your ability sometimes you have to work hard, but that’s true in every company.

Memorable moments at your new job? The first thing that comes to my mind is the fantastic cheese and wine tasting we had a few Fridays ago. As an Italian and a food lover, when I first saw that table full of the most delicious (and expensive) cheeses I was almost crying.

How’s the pay? It’s probably not fair to compare it to what I was earning after three years of local experience in Ireland. It’s far more than what I could earn in Italy, with opportunities for improvements.

Any [advice for travellers considering your job? It’s a job that requires commitment, but can give a lot of satisfactions. If you’re ready for that, put together a good portfolio and go for it!